Controlled Pile Burning in Pinebrook

The Pinebrook Master Association (PMA) and the Pinebrook Homeowners Association (PHOA) will be performing controlled pile burning in the near future. PMA work will begin along Pinebrook’s western boundary in Toll Canyon below Pine Ridge and Canyon Drives. This work, to be undertaken by local forestry expert Alpine Forestry, should occur in early November or December of 2023 and will begin when an approved “burn window” is opened by state and local authorities. It is possible work could begin as soon as Nov. 2nd. The work in this unit is expect to last about a week, with future controlled burns planned as conditions allow this fall/winter and next spring. The areas where burning is planned on PMA and PHOA open space are marked in orange on the attached map. Please reach out to the Pinebrook Fire Safety Committee at with any questions. For current updates on where burning will be taking place in Pinebrook, please visit the PMA’s website at