November Board Meeting 11-4-2019

The next regular Pinebrook HOA Board Meeting has been scheduled for Monday, November 4th at 7pm at the offices of Gorgoza Mutual Water Company. There will not be a regularly scheduled board meeting in October. As always, members are welcome to attend.

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September Board Meeting 9-10-19

Because of the Labor Day holiday, the September PHOA board meeting has been moved to Tuesday, September 10th at 7pm at the offices of Gorgoza Mutual Water Company. As always, members of the PHOA are welcome to attend.

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Pinebrook Master Association and Pinebrook Homeowners Association have contracted with Summitt Forests of Ashland, Oregon to do fire prevention related work on two of our community owned properties.  Later in the summer or early in the fall, tree removal work will be performed on eight acres adjacent to upper Pinebrook Road and lower Canyon Drive, and Oak Brush removal work will be performed on two acres […]

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Construction Detours

The roundabout construction is in full swing and will continue for several more months. Please be courteous to neighborhoods and business and follow the detour signs to get where you are going. Shortcuts through private and business access roads is dangerous and puts significant traffic burdens on roads that were never intended to be through-street. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Fireworks are Prohibited

Just a reminder that the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Pinebrook HOA last year prohibit fireworks. Nevertheless, the PMA has requested additional security patrols for July 4th. Even though Summit County has not banned fireworks this year and other HOA’s in Pinebrook (there are 13 of them) may not prohibit fireworks in their neighborhoods, we live in the mountains and fireworks are a major […]

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Calling for Pinebrook Volunteers on Saturday, June 29th 9am to 1pm.

Pinebrook is about to undertake its first volunteer fire safety event of 2019.  There are a number of downed trees just above Canyon Drive Court on the side of Canyon Road on Pinebrook Master Association property and we are looking for volunteers to assist with cutting up these trees and moving them to the side of the street where they can be picked up by […]

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E-Bike Safety and Use on Pinebrook Trails

As many of you are aware, electric assisted bikes (E-bikes) are becoming quite popular in our community. Pinebrook’s private trail system is a multi-use system intended to provide enjoyment for hikers, runners and bikers. However, safety concerns have been raised regarding the use of E-bikes on the trails, primarily because of the weight of E-bikes and the speed in which they can travel both uphill […]

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Board Meeting August 6th

The next regular meeting of the Pinebrook HOA board is scheduled for Tuesday, August 6th. There will not be a board meeting in July. As always, members are welcome to attend, and if you have anything specific to discuss please contact the HOA through the website to be added to the agenda. Thank you.

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Wildfire Safety and Preparedness

Summit County Fire Warden Bryce Boyer will present on neighborhood fire safety plans for Pinebrook/Summit County. Please plan on attending Wednesday May 29 at 7p.m. at the Park City Day School.

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Dumpsters and wood chipper will be provided by the Pinebrook Master Association and Pinebrook Homeowners Association again this year from Saturday, May 25th to Sunday, June 2nd. They will be in the usual location in the parking lot of the Pinebrook Park. In the past few years, use of the dumpsters has increasingly been abused by non-residents, landscape companies, after-hour dumping in the parking lot […]

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