Just a reminder that the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Pinebrook HOA prohibit fireworks. Even though Summit County has not banned fireworks this year and other HOA’s in Pinebrook (there are 13 of them) may not prohibit fireworks in their neighborhoods, we live in the mountains and fireworks are a major threat to our community this time of year. Please follow the Rules, and […]

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Automobile & Personal Property Theft Prevention

The following post is from Lieutenant Andrew Wright with the Summit County Sheriff’s Office in response to recent automobile burglaries in the Pinebrook area: “Hello neighbors, There are simple steps you can take to help prevent your vehicle from getting broken into and stolen. Use common sense when parking and exiting your vehicle: 1. Take your vehicle’s key; do not leave it in or on […]

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Lock to be Installed at Pickleball Court

Due to continued use of the pickleball court by individuals who are not Pinebrook residents or members of the Pinebrook HOA, a lock will soon be installed on the pickleball court gate. The lock will be a high-security, uncopyable Medeco lock which will be keyed the same as the existing lock at the tennis court, so for those of you who have a tennis court […]

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Home Fire Inspection Program

The Park City Fire District has announced a Wildland Structure Inspection Program, designed to give homeowners one-on-one training at their home to assess their structures and determine what actions are needed to increase the safety of their home in the event of a wildfire.  The service is free and available on a first come-first served basis.  The approximately one hour inspection will include a detailed assessment of the […]

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June 16th Regular Board Meeting

A regularly scheduled Pinebrook HOA board meeting will be held virtually at 7pm, Tuesday June 16th. To remain in compliance with state law that requires board meetings to be open to members of the association, you may attend by following this link and entering meeting code 7081999418: Please note, this is a regular board work session, not the annual meeting of the association. Owners […]

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Waterline Replacement Buckboard and Stagecoach Drives summer 2020.

Gorgoza Mutual Water Company will be replacing water lines again this summer as part of their ongoing capital improvement plan. The project is scheduled to start on or about June 15th, with the first phase along Buckboard Drive from the intersection with Pineridge Drive to the intersection with Hitching Post Drive. The second phase will follow and continue the waterline replacement project started in 2019 […]

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Spring Cleanup Guidelines

Just a reminder, dumpsters and the wood chipper will be in the Pinebrook Park this Friday, May 22nd, through May 31st. Please follow these rules to help ensure the continuity of this service and make it a great experience for all those able to take advantage of it: 1.) Do not invite your friends in neighboring communities to use Pinebrook’s dumpsters. 2.) All disposed materials […]

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2020 Spring Cleanup and Wood Chipping Scheduled

Dumpsters and wood chipper will be provided by the Pinebrook Master Association and Pinebrook Homeowners Association again this year from Saturday, May 23rd to Sunday, May 31st. Per State guidelines and in response to COVID19, social distancing must be practiced when dropping off items. They will be in the usual location in the parking lot of the Pinebrook Park. In the past few years, use […]

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Spring Cleanup 2020

Due to Summit County’s stay-at-home order in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the date for the Pinebrook spring cleanup has not been finalized. Typically, dumpsters are at the Pinebrook Park from Memorial Day weekend through the following weekend. The event will likely be delayed a few weeks, possibly more, but notice will be posted once a final date has been set. Thanks for your patience.

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PHOA Assessments Now Due

The 2020 assessment invoices for the PHOA were mailed on February 1st and are now due. It has come to our attention that a select number of residents in the Pineridge and Sunridge areas of Pinebrook most likely did not receive their invoice due to unknown circumstances with the mailing or postal service.  We will be sending out those invoices next week. No late fees […]

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