Chevron Pipeline Clearing Project Begins June 23rd

To homeowners whos property boarders the Chevron pipeline that runs through Pinebrook: Per Tom Denison with Chevron Pipeline:  “Chevron Pipeline Company operates and maintains two 10-inch crude oil pipelines which come over Kimball Junction and traverses over to Emigration Canyon. To maintain the integrity of the pipelines, one part of Chevron’s ongoing maintenance program is to periodically clear overgrown vegetation from the pipeline right of […]

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Recent Burglary in Pinebrook

On June 10th, the home in Pineridge was burglarized.  The criminals broke into their car parked in the driveway, gained access to the garage with the door opener and proceeded to steal tools and a vehicle from their home.  Even in our mountain community, thieves are always on the lookout, so please be diligent and know they will take advantage of any opportunity they can.  […]

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July 10, 2014 Board Meeting

The next regularly schedule board of directors meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 10th at 7pm at the offices of Gorgoza Mutual Water Company.  All PHOA members are invited to attend if they have questions or concerns that they would like to present to the board.

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06/05/2014 Board Meeting

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be held Thursday, June 5th at 7pm at the office of Gorgoza Mutual Water Company.  All members of the Pinebrook HOA are welcome to attend.

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Pinebrook Park Pavilion Reservation Requests

Please note that reservations for the Pinebrook Park Pavilion can be made through the Pinebrook Master Association website at  Please visit their website and click on Pavilion Reservation on the home page.  Thank you.

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2014 Spring Cleanup 5/23/2014 – 6/1/2014

Dumpsters have been scheduled to be placed in the parking lot of the Pinebrook Park on Friday, May 23rd and will remain through the following Sunday, June 1st.  Please use this opportunity to clean up your property and help continue to make Pinebrook a great place to live.  As a matter of common sense, PLEASE KEEP THE AREA SAFE AND DO NOT DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS […]

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Uinta Express Pipeline

There has been recent concern in the neighborhood about a pipeline proposed by Tesoro to transport waxy crude to Salt Lake City from Duchesne.  Currently, the proposed route is to extend north from Duchesne to approximately the Morgan County line before heading west to Bountiful and does not utilize the existing Chevron pipeline through Pinebrook.  Public input is being taken until Monday, March 17th if […]

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2014 General Meeting Proxy

If you cannot attend the general meeting of the Pinebrook HOA on March 27th, please print, sign and return the proxy to 7950 Pinebrook Road.  PBHOA 2014 General Meeting Proxy.

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The Association has received complaints once again about the significant amount of dog waste left alongside roads in Pinebrook.   If you own a dog and take it for walks, be responsible, pick up the waste and dispose of it properly…always…it’s as simple as that.

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2014 Assessments

The board has voted to keep the 2014 HOA assessments unchanged at $235 per year.  You will be receiving your billing invoices for the annual assessment on or about February 1st.  If you pay your dues electronically, please verify the amount and mailing address noted on the billing invoice prior to transmitting your payment.  Thank you for your help.

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