The Pinebrook Master Association is making parking permits for trail, trailhead and park use available to master association members. Click here for more info.
The Pinebrook Master Association is making parking permits for trail, trailhead and park use available to master association members. Click here for more info.
The Pinebrook Homeowners Association board has scheduled their next board meeting for October 12th at 6pm at the offices of Gorgoza Mutual Water Company. Members are welcome to attend. If you would like to attend and have issues to discuss, please contact the PHOA through the Contact Us page on our website to be added to the agenda.
The Pinebrook Master Association and Pinebrook Homeowners Association have arranged a fall cleanup starting at 8am Friday October 8th through the evening of Sunday, October 10th in the parking lot of the Pinebrook Park. Dumpsters will be available through the evening of the 10th, and the chipper will be operating until about noon on the 10th. You will need to arrange taking your trees, shrubs […]
The next regularly scheduled PHOA board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 14th at 6pm at the offices of Gorgoza Mutual Water Company. Members are welcome to attend. If you would like to attend and have issues to discuss, please contact the PHOA through the Contact Us page on our website.
As a reminder, the Pinebrook HOA Rules and Regulations state in paragraph 4: “Recreational vehicles may not be parked in driveways or on any roads within Pinebrook for more than three (3) consecutive days”. When not in use or staging for use, please keep your recreation equipment including boats, RV’s and camper trailers in storage, in your garage or shield them from view of your […]
The Pinebrook summer party scheduled for August 14th was canceled due to the evacuation caused by the Parleys Canyon fire. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a suitable date to reschedule the party to this year. It will hopefully return in 2022. Thank you.
Until the fire in Parley’s Canyon is controlled, DO NOT use sprinklers or hoses. Please restrict water for culinary purposes only. We need all the water in our tanks to be ready to fight potential fires.
Please join us this Saturday, August 14th at the Pinebrook Park for the annual Pinebrook Party! Catering will be provided by El Chubasco and start around 5pm. All members of the Pinebrook HOA are welcome to attend, please bring your family and a chair and enjoy great meal and fun in the park, but please leave dogs at home. See you on Saturday!
From Gorgoza Mutual Water Company July 10, 2021 Following guidance from the State of Utah and Summit County, Gorgoza Mutual Water Company is implementing mandatory watering restrictions effective immediately. Gorgoza’s water resources remain adequate to meet demand, however, in response to Utah’s extreme drought conditions and to prepare for a possible long-term drought cycle, restrictions have become necessary as follows: Even-numbered addresses only water Monday, […]
The next regularly schedule board meeting will be held Tuesday, August 17th at 6pm at the offices of Gorgoza Mutual Water Company at 7950 Pinebrook Road. Members of the Pinebrook HOA are always welcome to attend.