PBHOA Annual Meeting Notice 2023 and Proxy

The annual meeting of the Pinebrook Homeowner Association will be held on Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 commencing at 7:00 p.m. at the offices of Gorgoza Mutual Water Company located at 7950 Pinebrook Road, Park City, Utah. The following matters of business will be transacted during the meeting:
- Presentation and review of 2022 financial statements and operating budget for 2023.
- General update of PHOA activities and community projects.
- Fire Safety Committee update on fire mitigation efforts undertaken by the Pinebrook Homeowners Association and Pinebrook Master Association.
- Election to fill three, three-year term seats on the board of directors.
- Discussion of any other matters of business properly brought before the board of directors.
If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you may complete and return the 2023 annual meeting proxy The proxy will give you the option of designating the Association or a homeowner to vote in the board of directors election on your behalf. Proxies must be delivered by 5pm on Monday, December 4th. They can be delivered by email to info@pbhoa.org, or mailed or hand-delivered to the Pinebrook Homeowners Association at 7950 Pinebrook Road, Park City, UT 84098.