Pinebrook Spring Cleanup Scheduled May 27th through June 4th, 2023.

Dumpsters and wood chipper will be provided by the Pinebrook Master Association and Pinebrook Homeowners Association again this year from Saturday, May 27th to Sunday, June 4th.
They will be in the usual location in the parking lot of the Pinebrook Park. In the past few years, use of the dumpsters has increasingly been abused by non-residents, landscape companies, after-hour dumping in the parking lot (not in the dumpsters), and dumping of toxic and hazardous materials. Crews may implement additional screening and security measures this year to help control and manage the cleanup efforts. Continued abuse could ultimately lead to discontinuation of this highly valued service. Please:
1.) Do not invite your friends in neighboring communities to use Pinebrook’s dumpsters.
2.) All disposed materials must be placed in the dumpsters and wood stacked in marked locations for chipping. Do not dump truckloads of debris in the parking lot for the crews to pick up and dispose of in the dumpsters.
3.) If you hire a landscape company to help with spring cleanup, please make sure they are only acting on your behalf. They are not allowed to dispose of waste and debris from other customers in other neighborhoods.
4.) Do not dump anything toxic or hazardous! NO used appliances, paint, paint rags, tires, propane tanks, chemicals, needles and medical waste, batteries, etc. Save those for Summit County’s Hazard Material Collection events instead.
5.) Do not dump mattresses or box springs.
6.) If you are unable to haul your trees or branches to the park to be chipped, you will need to contact a private chipping service or the Park City Fire District to sign up for their free mobile chipping service. Their schedule will fill quickly, so don’t delay. NEITHER THE PHOA OR PMA PROVIDE MOBILE, CURBSIDE CHIPPING SERVICES.
Thank you for your cooperation and efforts to make this a great community event!