PHOA & PMA Wood Chipping Only June 6th – June 9th

The Pinebrook HOA and Pinebrook Master Association will host wood chipping services in the parking lot at the Pinebrook Park between June 6th and June 9th. This is not a curbside chipping service. For curbside chipping, please schedule with the Park City Fire District. NO DUMPSTERS WILL BE PROVIDED THIS YEAR.
UPDATE: For those who are wondering why “Dumpster Days” have been cancelled, please know that “Dumpster Days” was conceived as a bonus service for Pinebrook residents. It was historically a joint Pinebrook Master Association and Pinebrook Homeowners Association initiative. Unfortunately, in recent years the hazards and costs — and visual blight — eclipsed the benefits. The event became a draw for an ever-larger volume of residents from well beyond Pinebrook. It became a magnet for dumpster diving with even small children climbing into the dumpsters walking through broken shards of glass and shrapnel. People were depositing furniture and other discards all over the parking lot when the containers reached their capacity, which was ever faster due to the growing volumes of discards. The PMA and PHOA deployed various tactics for several years to manage these unintended consequences, all to no avail. The growing cost of the event was the tipping point. Cancelling this event was the last resort, but both the PMA and PHOA Boards were unified on the decision to cancel it.